Pārdodu motociklu Iž56 1959gada ar Padomju dokumentiem.
Ja kāds vēlās pārrakstīt tad ir zināms saimnieks un tas papildu maksās 50 eiro par viņa iztērēto laiku.
Motociks pirms kādiem 5 gadiem bija ejošs bet tad tika iekrauts garāžā.
Līdzi taisni oriģinālie izpūtēji un visādi sīkumi.
Motociklam ir iekšā mazlietots dzinējs.
Bāka nav caura.
Pirms motociklu noliku tika uzlikti jauni pītie vadi, relejs un skaņas signāls.
Jāpieliek roka un būs labs 65 gadus vecs retro motocikls.
Varu iemainīt pret vecāku motociku vai detaļām kas ražoti līdz 50 gadiem, varu piemaksāt cik vajadzēs.
I am selling a motorcycle Iž56 1959 with Soviet documents.
If someone wants to transcribe, the owner is known and will pay an additional 50 euros for the time spent by him.
The motorcycle was running about 5 years ago, but then it was stored in the garage.
Comes with straight original mufflers and all sorts of things.
The motorcycle has a slightly used engine inside.
The gas tank is not through.
New braided wires, relay and horn were installed before I put the bikes garage.
You have to put a hand and it will be a good 65-year-old retro motorcycle.
I can trade for an older motorcycle or parts manufactured up to 50 years ago, I can pay as much as needed.